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Authority Magazine Interviews Audira on Engagement

Authority Magazine: Five Things Business Leaders Can Do to Create a Fantastic Work Culture

“The global pandemic has, in many ways, blown up the concept of what a work culture is. Working in a physical office? Changed. Working for a company based on geographic location? Changed. Work/life balance? Changed.” – Stephen Kohler, Audira Labs CEO & Founder

Without the baggage of what used to be, companies have a unique opportunity to re-build their cultures and focus on employee engagement. Read on to hear Stephen’s top five strategic tips for improving workplace culture.

Read Authority Magazine’s “Five Things Business Leaders Can Do to Create a Fantastic Work Culture” here.

Stephen Kohler is CEO & Founder of Audira Labs, a leader in executive coaching & leadership development. Audira empowers Leaders, Teams and Organizations to become better listeners, enabling unleashed leadership potential and maximizing fulfillment.

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